Disclaimer About Abortion Pills
- All medicines from our store are checked for safety and quality. We supply effective products. However, we are not accountable for the product’s effect on any person as each one’s fitness is different.
- Abortionpillrx24.com does not share any personal data to any of third person but we do contact you for Payment, shipping confirmation via Email or Whatsapp
- The users must agree to every Terms & Conditions before they purchase from us. Required measures are used to safeguard consumer profile and privacy.
- Abortionpillrx24.com does not bear any blame for loss or damage caused to customer on use of the website.
- We are not answerable for any visits a customer makes to site links either from our website or outside.
- Consumers are requested to install anti-virus/malware or other software needed to protect their browsing sessions, as we are not responsible for any malignant activities on the internet.
- Any details or advice should not be considered an equal or alternative to doctor’s recommendation.